I came across a sitewide sale on ClearlyContacts.ca last Sunday and basically bit the bullet because it was so cheap. When I found out new customers get one pair of free frames, I accidentally 😉 ended up with two pairs. My second, free pair I affectionately dub them my “hipster” glasses and didn’t even bother getting any lens coatings on them.
They’re on the bottom. I don’t know if they suit me, but at home, I find myself reaching for them a lot? I don’t know.
They came within 2 days, which is amazing considering where I live and how long packages usually take to get to me.
I don’t really need glasses for many things, and certainly not for full time wear so I was super concerned when I first tried them both on. I thought I’d been scammed because unlike my old glasses, they were so clear so I thought they were plastic. Then I tried reading off a lotion bottle…fuzzy without glasses, perfect with them on. I get it! It’s like those cliche jokes about not realizing what is “off” with your vision until you get some prescription specs (or in my case, a current prescription. Oop. PSA: Don’t wait 7 years before you get your eyes checked again).
So far so good for a total of $74.05. Plus the return policy is generous. And thinking of my old glasses with their weirdly cloudy lenses and outdated prescription? These are really great I have to say.